A reaction to Ruby K. Payne's, A Framework for Understanding Poverty. The author speaks from her experience and for many others including myself. Having worked with those who are in poverty I resonated with much of what Ruby Payne states in this book. She gave verbal expressions to many things I have come across in my own observations. And I would agree with what the subtitle touts, “A must-read for educators, employers, policymakers, and service providers.” The “Could You Survive?” test really catches your interest and helps you identify where you come from as well as the ‘hidden rules’ other segments of society (poverty, middle class, and wealth) come from. I found her quote, “Most of the students that I have talked to in poverty do not believe they are poor, even when they are on welfare. Most of the wealthy adults I have talked to do not believe they are wealthy; they will usually cite someone who has more than they do” very intriguing (p45). Solomon in Ecclesiastes 4:4,...
Some reflections, thoughts, research, and teachings from my personal study in Next Generational Ministry, life, and the Bible.
--Kent Kessler
[Daddio2four semi-realizing how fast time flies as they are now 24-22-18 & 14; now where are my glasses? BA, MDiv, MA, DMin]