What would happen if the church you attended asked everyone to give their complete paycheck as their offering? Then your church would each week distributed all of the money for all of its members’ needs. What solutions would this bring? I can definitely see how I, personally, would be affected in my attitude. If I chose to do this I wouldn’t spend money on frivolous stuff like ice cream or movies. I would enjoy “things” less and spend more time with people. I would take a greater interest in people and help them when I could because I think I would have more time on my hands )since I wouldn’t be eating ice cream and watching movies). What problems would this bring? Well, I could see that power behind the money distribution would be quite tricky. Each request would need to be legit and proof would be needed for expenses so deceptive schemes would be unmasked. I would hope people would be more humble but I know that even the best of us would seek to be exceptions to the rules. This...
Some reflections, thoughts, research, and teachings from my personal study in Next Generational Ministry, life, and the Bible.
--Kent Kessler
[Daddio2four semi-realizing how fast time flies as they are now 24-22-18 & 14; now where are my glasses? BA, MDiv, MA, DMin]