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Revelation's Message For Today

REALITY: Revelation's Message For Today


1. The World Is NOT As It Seems. 

The world is a matrix of falsehood, a falsehood affecting you to the core, and trying to mold you into a false-self. MANY have taken on the false-self way of life. But there is a much, much better way!

2. Jesus, The King Over All, Knows All About You. 

Christ knows your past (where you have come from), your present (why you are who you are), and
your future (what it will take to get you where He wants you to be = with Him all the way!)

3. Our Enemy Has Messed Things Up. 

A Dragon is in control of the fog that covers the Reality of things. You will only see things his way in this world. Unless you hear God's voice speak to you (and have a Revelation) and go God's way, you will continue to live in a fantasy world = Satan's destructive world with a candy coating.

Jesus knows every move the enemy makes and WILL make--and Jesus is hated for that! You can learn the enemy's tricks if you enroll in The School of Jesus Christ and stay faithful and don't give up! The words of this Revelation will bless you on your journey.

Encouraging Words To Strengthen Your Heart On The Journey:

1. To those in LA (Ephesus* was the 2nd largest city) Jesus says:

a. Do NOT let DOING the right things take you away from ME!
Only "I" can sustain the changes within you have experienced with me.
You NEED Me, and the things you are DOING must come from those changes within you I am creating.
Please hear me loud and clear--Come back to ME!

b. Do not lock the door so tight in keeping every evil out that you never go outside yourselves.
Sanitization is for germs and Teflon is for pans--not for you. I am for you.
Isolating yourself from society was never my plan. Remember, I left heaven to come and get you.
Your fervency in being pure and true is admirable, but to the expense of loving relationships.
You can have both--but you need Me to show you how.

c. For those who continue overcoming the ways of false lifestyle, I have some special things for you
--eating the gourmet food of God--100% approved Life!--homegrown from His own garden.
Let MY Spirit guide you. I am ALWAYS with you. Always.

2. To those in New Orleans (Smyrna* was a port city and military base) Jesus says:

a. Your real and only enemy is the devil, Satan, the Destroyer of all that is Real Life.
He uses both religious and governmental institutions to do his work but don't be fooled. YOU know better!
He is a master of fogging over things to morph them into looking like they are real.
But you will wait it out and will see it for what it is really is.

b. If you must die, do it for something real and bigger than yourself.
That death will cause others to remain strong and live even more faithfully.
But you must conquer your fears within and then those fears without will follow.
Death isn't the end anyway.
I know.

c. For those who continue to overcome the enemy and his schemes and facades, will finally get a crown placed on his Me personally.
Since you have died to yourself and shaken it off like a cocoon, the 2nd death which comes to all those who refuse to do so will never touch you.
You've died. What's left to kill? Your baptism is a symbol of that death. Let that memory remind you of your true riches you have in Me. Follow MY Spirit.
I will never be defeated. Death tried, so what's left?

3. Jesus told His people in Washington DC & Hollywood (Pergamum had an altar built for Zeus):

a. So much of who Satan is and what he is doing goes on right in your backyard and neighborhood--yet you remain true to Me! Even when everyone else believes they are right when they follow his lies even to the point of stomping out someone else's life--YOU hold on to Me! But some of you don't. Some of you are like chameleons and change with your environment.
Just like Satan changes and masquerades lies for truth, death for life; you masquerade your cheating heart as if it were pure; on the outside you act right, but on the inside you are just pretending.

b. Some think that by doing the wrong thing enough or teaching the wrong thing enough it will eventually become right. It never will. You will have to create a fantasy world for that to happen.
And that is exactly where Satan wants you to live--in HIS fantasy world! But that world will leave you desperate for more of what won't satisfy--his food and pleasures are temporary! You will be a hopeless addict! Have some boundaries would you!
And you will destroy yourself and those you teach to follow you. Don't you get it? Satan leads you down the path to your own destruction! Boycott that path! Jump off of it NOW! Before it is too late! Learn when to close the door! Draw some lines!

c. If you keep on conquering Satan's masquerading schemes by fighting it with My spoken truth, then My words will not be used to fight against you instead. My words are the only real food that satisfies--an eternal manna hidden in your heart.
This food will change you, transform you, and morph you into an unfamiliar weapon against the enemy on his turf. He won't know what to do with you because he won't know what to call you.
But you will know and will be fully known.
My words cut both ways so when I speak it is completely fair and accurate.
Who else can say that?

4. Jesus had a lot to say to his people in NYC/Houston (Thyatira was a major city of trade):

a. Being self-reliant has its dangers. Have you truly given Me all of you? Have you surrendered to Me every room inside your heart, every thought, every desire, every dream, every plan? Do you trust Me in your deepest heart of hearts? Or who really has your heart? Who is running away with your imagination?
What have you been dreaming about lately? Has it been Me and My best for you? Or have you slipped into Satan's trap again by holding on to some "secret" things, no matter how little they might be, for some temporary thrill?

The seeds Satan sows will grow into vines that will strangle you! It's flower is only to entice you to get closer to it. But as you get closer to it you drift farther from Me.
And that hurts Me because I love you deeply and I am jealous for you.

b. You must not only divorce this world's activities, but its behaviors it has taught you and enslaved you by and made you learn as a habit. This will take much concentrated effort.
I have given you each other, and together you are a great force in the world against all that is false.

c. Let My jealousy for you move you to think about greater things. Lift your eyes up and set them not on your family, not on your community, not even on your own country. The authority I want to give you is for reaching out the world! As My Spirit leads you out, He will lead you to lift others up and break them out of Satan's trap of yesterdays and falsehood and Babel-years to deliver them into a one, truth-filled, lighted future--one where I am the only Star needed to guide them night or day--and YOU will have Me!
I am God's Son and I speak about what I know--I see all perfectly and what I stand for no one can come against. Listen to My Spirit's voice.

5. To the church that gathers in Chicago (Sardis was known for its manufacturing) Jesus says:

a. You cannot find anything that lasts within yourself. No matter how good you try to make yourself look, without the Truth inside your heart, you will fade away quickly to nothing. Death is your destiny. Get off that road! Don't you know who is trying to trick you to go that way?

Satan owns all of the billboards in this world! He has mastered all forms of advertisements and marketing and distributing his merchandise. He has all of the governments doing his will--and they don't even know they are promoting his destructive nature. He has them wrapped around his finger to believe they are advancing themselves--but they are really advancing him, the Destroyer. Putting lights and music on his rides doesn't make any difference--it is a one way ticket to hell. And if YOU, MY people are deceived, who else do I call on to help them? I need you as an off ramp sign to bring them the good news of salvation I have to offer them. But I need you to WAKE UP! Drink my word as morning coffee and use my gifts as an alarm clock and shake off the enemy's sleep from your eyes!

b. It isn't just about starting right--you have to continue! Salvation isn't enough--that's just the promise of a new beginning. Continuing to carry my name faithfully takes much, much more to be victorious in the world you live and overcome Satan's schemes! His playbook is extensive and his efforts undaunted.
He will not stop until you are either dead, compromised or working for him again. He will seek to whittle you down and tire you out so you give up. Don't let him do it. He wants you to believe you are self-sufficient because you are safe--because of job security and military strength or your own abilities.
This may make you look right on the outside but on the inside your trust isn't rooted in Me. Stop lying to yourself. Stop kidding other people. That's the hard life. I want you to live the REAL life!

c. The presence of God you sense in worshiping Me is in control and gives graciously as I see fit. Even the Spirit that graces you with gifts and blessings and healings comes from Me.
Face it, without Me you are nothing.
But with Me you have all.

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