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Showing posts from July, 2013

Three Leveled Conversion

Paul Hiebert wrote, "Conversion to Christ must encompass all three levels: behavior, beliefs, and the worldview that underlies these. Christians should live differently because they are Christians." With so many in our nation today stating they are Christians, or they believe in God or the Bible but when pressed on the matter, they don't really know or understand what it is they profess. Hiebert challenges this position of people and thinking they are converted when it is very likely that they are not. He continues to expand these three lines of thought: "However, if their behavior is based primarily on traditional rather than Christian beliefs, it becomes pagan ritual. Conversion must involve a transformation of beliefs, but if it is a change only of beliefs and not of behavior, it is false faith (James 2). Conversion may include a change in beliefs and behavior, but if the worldview is not transformed, in the long run the gospel is subverted and the result i...

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