In the beginning God spoke and said, Let there be light and it was so. What was created was something we would train ourselves doesn't exist. This light God spoke just was and existed without a sun which hadn't been created yet but is now what we have trained ourselves to see is real. The first light lets call 'heavenly light' for it is from God's world and so continues to be. Once sin entered into our world the heavenly light, although still existing, shrunk from our sight and relegated itself to what we many times call the spiritual realm. This is understandable because sin brings darkness. But something else came with that darkness, another presence that found how to live and exist in it and develop authorities and seats of governance and powers. Although the heavenly light still exists in this world we humans cannot see it for the matrix of darkness is keeping blinders on our eyes so we cannot see it. The truth is, ever since one man has come into this world th...
Some reflections, thoughts, research, and teachings from my personal study in Next Generational Ministry, life, and the Bible.
--Kent Kessler
[Daddio2four semi-realizing how fast time flies as they are now 24-22-18 & 14; now where are my glasses? BA, MDiv, MA, DMin]