In the beginning God spoke and said, Let there be light and it was so. What was created was something we would train ourselves doesn't exist. This light God spoke just was and existed without a sun which hadn't been created yet but is now what we have trained ourselves to see is real. The first light lets call 'heavenly light' for it is from God's world and so continues to be.
Once sin entered into our world the heavenly light, although still existing, shrunk from our sight and relegated itself to what we many times call the spiritual realm. This is understandable because sin brings darkness. But something else came with that darkness, another presence that found how to live and exist in it and develop authorities and seats of governance and powers.
Although the heavenly light still exists in this world we humans cannot see it for the matrix of darkness is keeping blinders on our eyes so we cannot see it. The truth is, ever since one man has come into this world the matrix of glass that separates the world of heavenly light from this world has been completely broken down. He was the Matrix Breaker, light itself but the darkness could not bring him down (Jn 1:5). The Breaker pulled a reversal move. And with his light came another way to live...some would come to know it as life itself.
But the enemy is tricky and has done an expert job in crafting mini dark glasses upon the eyes of humanity. It knew the that if the dark matrix ever came down the training of seeing the sun as real would need to hold its powerful illusion.
But there have been some who have found that the black painted glass that keeps out the heavenly light has truly been broken down and has gotten in. They have seen the heavenly light and trusted it enough to not need the shades of darkness upon their eyes anymore. And what they have found is that this heavenly light has gotten in and not just into the world but can even get into the mind and into the heart. These men and women have become heavenly light bearers, smuggling into this world the resources necessary for a full breach. One man was very special though and the heavenly light found him.
On his way to Damascus to put an end to these smugglers the heavenly light broke in on him and the Matrix Breaker spoke to him telling him that he wanted him to change sides. But he was frightened and the heavenly light stole his eyesight from seeing the sun but for three days this man began to get glimpses of reality. He saw a smuggler named Ananias come and lay hands on him and speak to him about the Matrix Breaker and how he could washed from all remnants of the darkness and it's ways and how to see by heavenly light. (Acts 9) And Ananias did come and he did lay hands on him and he did pray for him and the heavenly light allowed his eyes to be open to see both worlds for what they were. And the. Matrix Breaker spoke to his enlightened heart, "Here is what I want you to do. I want you to share what has happened to you today with everyone. Your words I am making into little beams of light that can penetrate the glasses the enemy has put on humanity. This will not go over well with the enemy and at times he will see you coming...word about you will spread and you will become quickly known by him. But don't be afraid. I have already brought down his house of dark mirrors that only reflect into themselves, but you are a light bearer now. (Acts 26)
"Some will hear your words and they will go straight into their heart and they will rejoice at taking off their shades. But others will reject your words wanting to keep on their glasses. The light works both ways, but when the light people have within them is darkness, how great that darkness really is! (Mt 6:23, Lk 11:35) When people's eyes are sick... But for those who do hear and let in the heavenly light I have a special place for them, the place where they have always belonged but have been kept out. But there is much work that needs done before they get there, but the heavenly light allows them to feel what it is like before they actually arrive. It's one of the blessings my father put into the heavenly light when he first created it. And now that you have been washed, be on your way. And remember, I am always with you. The light can never be kept out again!"
And that's what this man did.
And that's why I'm here sharing this story.