I can imagine the Axe head came off by stupidity, but perhaps it didn't, maybe it just came off. I can imagine the prophet whispering "Uh-oh!" To his friend and both fishing for it in their hands and perhaps stepping on it like idiots and pushing it under even further like I would do. However, let's say it was the worse case scenario and everything bad and wrong and screwed up did happen--I was an idiot and stood too close to the water and "schwing" off comes the Axe head and "plop" into the water and I muddied the water looking for it so it couldn't be seen and I stepped on it because I wore shoes stepping around looking for it and it got pressed deeper into the mud to never be seen by human eyes again! And there I am desperate and exasperated berated by my peers because I was an idiot. Truth be told this is not a once told story for me. I have been in this position too many times. And perhaps that is why this truth moved me; God still cares about me when I've been an idiot.
"It was borrowed!" Maybe I would have written it off and just told the guy, "Thanks for the donation. It went to a good cause. I can write you a tax deduction slip for the value of the Axe head but unless you have a strong magnet or a metal detector under your toga bro, it's gone." But this prophet spoke the prophet, like a prayer of desperation, "IT'S BORROWED!!!" And it worked! No, it didn't as if we could make the prophet act, but there was grace extended.
God cares about what you've lost. God cares when you've made idiotic mistakes. What is your Axe head? What did you lose you need HIM to find again for you? A blessing, relationship, strength, friendships, support, finances, reputation, or something else?
Show God where you lost it, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, but show Him and point to the spot. What is your Axe head today?