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Showing posts from May, 2017

God is God Over All Hills & Valleys

I played guitar for the praise team at our church this past Sunday, and there was a new song (to me) that has stuck with me ever since I heard it. It is called Hills And Valleys, by Tauren Wells. Below is his testimony about how he wrote the song. "When you are on the mountain tops of life learn to bow low; when you are in the valleys of life, learn to stand tall." This mimics so much the truth from an older song I sang many years ago and my group the Men of Mercy sing called, God on the Mountain. I can remember testifying at a church in southern Ohio I was serving as youth pastor, and had a similar revelation come to me. It was,  whether we are on the mountain or in the valley,  if we keep eyes on Jesus, we will never know the difference.  Tauren's lyrics communicates that truth much better, much more to the heart, of what I was hearing from the Lord.  So today, are  in you in the valley? Or are you on the mountain top?  Wh...

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