In part two of this discussion of What is in a seed, I decided to research a little about the effects of a seed's environment . Here are some things I learned. 1. When a seed grows in an alternate environment and survives, it is said it has adapted. How many times have you adapted? Whether we like it or not, adapting is a part of life. Our attitude about it is something we can control. 2. Some seeds planted in harsher environments, and live, can have its DNA restructured to become a hardier plant for that environment in the future. This is simply fascinating! It reminds of what James tells us in those first few verses in his opening chapter about counting it all joy because of those trials and what they produce! 3. The seed within the fruit of a plant gains information from its “mother” about what she experienced in her environment to better suit it for the next generation (this is called maternal environment effects). Experiences modify the DNA a...
Some reflections, thoughts, research, and teachings from my personal study in Next Generational Ministry, life, and the Bible.
--Kent Kessler
[Daddio2four semi-realizing how fast time flies as they are now 24-22-18 & 14; now where are my glasses? BA, MDiv, MA, DMin]