"I just want to be a Christian I don't want to be a disciple. I like my life the way it is."
I have been putting together an annotated bibliography of books for evangelism and I have really enjoyed the books I have reviewed for this (it is a part of my own personal study and research to make a course I am teaching in Evangelism and Discipleship hopefully more effective). I came across the above quote from Greg Ogden's book which quotes a Scot McKnight's book. The full quote is below. [For a good review on King Jesus Gospel.]
"Dallas Willard shares a story from a pastor who challenged his congregation to become disciples. In response to this challenge, a woman said to her pastor after worship, "I just want to be a Christian. I don't want to be a disciple. I like my life the way it is..."
I have been putting together an annotated bibliography of books for evangelism and I have really enjoyed the books I have reviewed for this (it is a part of my own personal study and research to make a course I am teaching in Evangelism and Discipleship hopefully more effective). I came across the above quote from Greg Ogden's book which quotes a Scot McKnight's book. The full quote is below. [For a good review on King Jesus Gospel.]
"Dallas Willard shares a story from a pastor who challenged his congregation to become disciples. In response to this challenge, a woman said to her pastor after worship, "I just want to be a Christian. I don't want to be a disciple. I like my life the way it is..."
I have been struggling for some time to put into words the feels of angst and frustration over the gospel meaning salvation from hell and not entrance into the kingdom of God now--over its meaning of "heaven when I die" and not "my brother's keeper." I heard Andy Stanley strike a similar tone when sharing with a group of Pastors a remedy about difficult people--tell them there are other churches to go to. Why? Because if they are believers, then they are "in" and you've done your job. When other pastors applauded, I sat there feeling confused about that. I believe it hinges on what Ogden calls the "transactional gospel--forgiveness for our sin debt and assurance of eternal life is the gospel. Period." He sums it up in four points: God loves you, you messed up, Jesus died for you, accept Jesus into your heart. Sounds right, huh? Disagreement sounds like heresy, huh?
I believe Jesus offers so much more. Why? Because I have experienced him in so many more ways than a simple salvation prayer can gain. Simplifying Jesus down to a prayer cheapens him to me; if ever a person was abused, that is, used inappropriately, it's Jesus when we seek heaven as the escape for how we live.
The lady who expressed herself to her pastor after the challenge that Sunday--is that really the generic brand of Christianity I belong to? I hope not, but fear it is--and has been for a long time. I want to do something about that. In fact, much of my life has been dedicated to this. And, as you could imagine, much of my efforts have been misunderstood, misinterpreted, marginalized, and sequestered.
Many times I have wondered if I really had the right understanding, and I am going through a phase like that again. If repentance means "rethinking the way I think" then I am always repenting. I believe that is the lifestyle of all who are true followers of Christ.
What about you? Was it you who said, "I just want to be a Christian. I don't want to be a disciple. I like my life the way it is..."? How would you know?