2Cor 4:14 knowing that he who raised the Lord
Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence. 15 For it is all for your sake, so that as grace
extends to more and more people it may
increase thanksgiving, to the glory (revealing? Fame? Beauty?) of
I am somewhat new to the hair style scene. At least to the scene that requires extensions. I asked my wife about a lady's hair and how beautiful it was and she remarked back, "Oh you mean her extensions?" After an explanation I was lead to believe that the extensions were not a part of the lady's real hair, but it did make it look more beautiful.
Extensions not only are for making things longer and more attractive but also for assisting in our getting across or over something that is in our way--a hindrance or hurdle. Take extension ladders for example. When you slide the extension part of the ladder up for use it allows for us to be able to reach much higher than normal. When you are finished you can retract the extension part, restore the ladder to normal size, and store the ladder back in the corner for later use. Then there is the extension bridge that utilizes engineering finesse to construction a longer bridge to span the distance from one side of the river to the other. Extensions are for attraction, to reach higher and too gain access. Grace is an extension for the glory of God.
“Grace extensions” lead to increased thanksgiving which
in turn glorifies God. Evangelistic grace brings glory to God as well as
edifying grace! Grace extensions are avenues for God to break into this
world—through our circumstances so He might reveal Himself in us and through us
to other so they might see Him and be drawn to Him. God is also revealed in us as we
extend grace to others like He has extended it to us. Grace makes the glory shine--it makes you look beautiful, and as you reach out to extend a hand to another, it lifts them higher and helps them gain access into the grace within which you stand (cf. Romans 5:2).
does grace extend to others? By believers being active in the world in love? I think so.
Are you needing a grace extension? A ladder of God’s grace extended to you to
help raise you up?