Do you have something you possess that is very expensive, but you never really use (say less than once a year)?
Take a moment to read James 2:14-26. The Message is a good one to look at for this passage.
We practice what we believe. Most of the time we are good at something because we have worked hard at it—whether it was a hobby and we enjoyed it, or because we were pushed to do so, like by a coach. James starts by asking the questions, "What good is it?" and "Can this so called “faith” save him?" Both are worth looking at. Especially when salvation is on the line!
James points out the difference between “saying” you have faith and having a "doing" faith. James then uses an example to illustrate. He positions "a fellow believer who is in greatly need" in the middle of the believer's mind much like Jesus did with a lone child. So, there in the middle of the discussion, James places a needy believer. Have you have ever seen a needy believer? Have you ever been a needy believer?
And just as with the Sadducees, an argument arises and tries to justify itself by saying, “I believe in God!” How often do you hear that from people? –Well, I believe in God!
If you get a chance, read this article from the Barna Research Group; it might prove fruitful to tie in: What do Americans Believe About Jesus.
James pulls out the "big guns" when he uses the story of Abraham and Isaac to illustrate faith/works. Then James looks at the "bottom of the pile" and uses Rahab as an example. James closes with the statement, No spirit in the body? Dead. No works from faith? Dead. James asks a second time, “What “good” is that?
How is our faith to transact “good” in this world if all we are doing is believing and saying we believe?
James is calling for a “working faith,” a “get your hands dirty faith,” a “put your money where your mouth is” kind of faith, a “do unto others what you would want them to do to you faith.” This is radical! This is Counter-cultural! This is meant to be Challenging to the Church! Demon faith is a believing in God only spoken faith. But a prostitute faith, one like Rahab's can save you!
James introduces the illustration of Abraham's offering his son Isaac in obedience to God; but how is it like a person who sees someone poorly clothed and lacking in daily food and then provides for them? Because it challenges us down to the core to choose who we believe in--ourselves or God? And if we believe in ourselves we will choose ourselves every time which means we will not choose the needy believer. All of the little Disney movies and their false ideology of believing in yourself is a cultural norm now! Believe in yourself is not a biblical mandate at all! BELIEVE IN GOD! However, you are living what you believe. Will the needy believer stay needy or will God get the glory and you have less that you had before so YOU have to believe in God too?
What happens when a needy believer shares a need, say they have a financial need for $10,000, and other believers are asked to help with the need? Immediately those believers look for what they have in surplus, they look at what they can give up over the top and what is splashing out. James says, Don't tell me you believe, SHOW ME! SO in this scenario, the needy believer is left short because everyone else's surplus isn't enough to cover the $10k of debt.
BUT, if the needy believer is SHOWN by others they believe, they join the needy believer and become needy themselves alongside this needy believer. Now there are ten new needy believers and one joyous believer who just paid his or her $10k debt. Now the 10 needy believers are trusting God... and this faith moment for trusting God opens a rift in the space and time continuum and God shows up in a way that not only meets the needs, but does it in a way that shows all that it was God who met those needs, and God is glorified. What else? The true believers are united like never before and the body is strengthened by faith--REAL LIVING FAITH!
So, the opening question: Do you have something very expensive but you never use it? James wants to know, "What good is it really to say you have something but you never use it?" Say, something very expensive, like your belief in Jesus? It cost God the blood of His own Son to buy you out from under sin's judgment! "Do You believe in God?" Not good enough. "You say you have faith?" Not good enough. "You say you have works?" Not good enough. What good are you doing in the world by your faith in God’s Word (Abraham)? By your belief in him so much that you act on it (Rahab)?
James makes a big deal about a person “saying”—saying they have faith…then saying to a needy person, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled.” Saying versus doing. Why do people just talk the faith?
Can you even explain how faith activates works or how works complete faith?
Another word for believe is trust. Do you trust God enough to do what he says? Abraham did. Abraham didn’t even say he trusted or believed God, he just did what God asked. Rahab spoke about God to the spies but then when it came time to do something she reacted in faith!
Abraham was called “a friend of God”—isn’t that something! Faith-works come from a changed heart that reacts in trust of God, and God calls these crazy kind of people His friend.
Spring is over and summer is now here. But it is not too late to do some spring cleaning spiritually. What false or dusty faith needs to be cleaned out for real and authentic faith to take its place for you? What works done without faith in God need to be replaced by works that express your faith in Him?
Just one more question: We practice what we believe. You are living faith. What does it look like?
Take a moment to read James 2:14-26. The Message is a good one to look at for this passage.
We practice what we believe. Most of the time we are good at something because we have worked hard at it—whether it was a hobby and we enjoyed it, or because we were pushed to do so, like by a coach. James starts by asking the questions, "What good is it?" and "Can this so called “faith” save him?" Both are worth looking at. Especially when salvation is on the line!
James points out the difference between “saying” you have faith and having a "doing" faith. James then uses an example to illustrate. He positions "a fellow believer who is in greatly need" in the middle of the believer's mind much like Jesus did with a lone child. So, there in the middle of the discussion, James places a needy believer. Have you have ever seen a needy believer? Have you ever been a needy believer?
And just as with the Sadducees, an argument arises and tries to justify itself by saying, “I believe in God!” How often do you hear that from people? –Well, I believe in God!
If you get a chance, read this article from the Barna Research Group; it might prove fruitful to tie in: What do Americans Believe About Jesus.
James pulls out the "big guns" when he uses the story of Abraham and Isaac to illustrate faith/works. Then James looks at the "bottom of the pile" and uses Rahab as an example. James closes with the statement, No spirit in the body? Dead. No works from faith? Dead. James asks a second time, “What “good” is that?
How is our faith to transact “good” in this world if all we are doing is believing and saying we believe?
James is calling for a “working faith,” a “get your hands dirty faith,” a “put your money where your mouth is” kind of faith, a “do unto others what you would want them to do to you faith.” This is radical! This is Counter-cultural! This is meant to be Challenging to the Church! Demon faith is a believing in God only spoken faith. But a prostitute faith, one like Rahab's can save you!
James introduces the illustration of Abraham's offering his son Isaac in obedience to God; but how is it like a person who sees someone poorly clothed and lacking in daily food and then provides for them? Because it challenges us down to the core to choose who we believe in--ourselves or God? And if we believe in ourselves we will choose ourselves every time which means we will not choose the needy believer. All of the little Disney movies and their false ideology of believing in yourself is a cultural norm now! Believe in yourself is not a biblical mandate at all! BELIEVE IN GOD! However, you are living what you believe. Will the needy believer stay needy or will God get the glory and you have less that you had before so YOU have to believe in God too?
What happens when a needy believer shares a need, say they have a financial need for $10,000, and other believers are asked to help with the need? Immediately those believers look for what they have in surplus, they look at what they can give up over the top and what is splashing out. James says, Don't tell me you believe, SHOW ME! SO in this scenario, the needy believer is left short because everyone else's surplus isn't enough to cover the $10k of debt.
BUT, if the needy believer is SHOWN by others they believe, they join the needy believer and become needy themselves alongside this needy believer. Now there are ten new needy believers and one joyous believer who just paid his or her $10k debt. Now the 10 needy believers are trusting God... and this faith moment for trusting God opens a rift in the space and time continuum and God shows up in a way that not only meets the needs, but does it in a way that shows all that it was God who met those needs, and God is glorified. What else? The true believers are united like never before and the body is strengthened by faith--REAL LIVING FAITH!
So, the opening question: Do you have something very expensive but you never use it? James wants to know, "What good is it really to say you have something but you never use it?" Say, something very expensive, like your belief in Jesus? It cost God the blood of His own Son to buy you out from under sin's judgment! "Do You believe in God?" Not good enough. "You say you have faith?" Not good enough. "You say you have works?" Not good enough. What good are you doing in the world by your faith in God’s Word (Abraham)? By your belief in him so much that you act on it (Rahab)?
James makes a big deal about a person “saying”—saying they have faith…then saying to a needy person, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled.” Saying versus doing. Why do people just talk the faith?
Can you even explain how faith activates works or how works complete faith?
Another word for believe is trust. Do you trust God enough to do what he says? Abraham did. Abraham didn’t even say he trusted or believed God, he just did what God asked. Rahab spoke about God to the spies but then when it came time to do something she reacted in faith!
Abraham was called “a friend of God”—isn’t that something! Faith-works come from a changed heart that reacts in trust of God, and God calls these crazy kind of people His friend.
Spring is over and summer is now here. But it is not too late to do some spring cleaning spiritually. What false or dusty faith needs to be cleaned out for real and authentic faith to take its place for you? What works done without faith in God need to be replaced by works that express your faith in Him?
Just one more question: We practice what we believe. You are living faith. What does it look like?