What is one thing in your life that took you A LOT of preparation?
In Joshua 3, we see a leader in need of being esteemed, a way needing known, and a river needing crossed over. However, the main purpose in Joshua chapter 3 is really about trusting God (as usual), but not in a usual way!
There is a sequence to preparing. We have to go through first grade before 2nd grade, and learn to add before we can multiply. God gives Joshua and his people a 3 days’ rest time and Israel's leaders give specific instructions (activities with their reasons) about crossing over this last obstacle fore the entering the Promised Land to the people, including a focal point (ark). Why? They haven’t been this way so they need to know The Way.
They receive God's promise from their leader unesteemed leader and are then commanded “consecrate yourselves!” Joshua gives the Word of God to the people and the people obey and all comes together because the people were able to crossover --and Joshua is now their esteemed leader!
I didn't really notice any difficulties shared in this passage--not with what God says, the leaders or priests say, or with Joshua. This adventure really didn't cost the people of God anything. Just obey. Do you notice anything about this passage? Any insights?
Moses led the people out of Egypt, as God promised. But now, Moses is dead. There still needs to be a leader, and God had this already in place before Moses was going to die—it was to be Joshua. Joshua (remember?) was one of the 12 spies who was vocal about trusting the Lord to fulfill His promises. Joshua’s position in Israel, as Moses’ was, is very much like the Messiah (Jesus) who was to come. Joshua was prepared.
Many things in life take preparation. Ever since Genesis 1 God created using preparation; and then when He put mankind in the garden it was set up to need care-taking and more preparation.
Why do you think God wanted to prepare His people to cross the Jordan? by consecrating themselves? What is involved in consecrating ourselves or making yourself holy? When do we need to do this?
Once Joshua knew the goal, he got started “early in the morning.” I don't know about you but ii is extremely important to get started on goals, on God’s goals, early! The Jordan is the last obstacle for Israel to leave slavery and enter the Promised Land. It was always a boundary and a marker for the edge of the territory. God is taking them over. They are going where no Israelite has gone before (play Star Trek music here). And, as usual, God shows up to help Israel get passed her obstacles. By the way, the phrase “Crossing over” appears 22x in this passage! That's significant!
What can we learn from this time of preparation for the people and being set up by God?
The ark of God makes a surprise appearance here; it sort of got left out of the wilderness wonderings for awhile. Have you ever needed to get reacquainted with some artifact of yours that helped you to make a transition in your life? Something significant to you, maybe not to others, but it helped you to "cross over"?
God's purposes are good. His process are good, and his principles are good.
When God leads his people into the Promised Land, his people need to be holy; the Promised Land was filled with enemies so the Camp of God needed to be purified.
We as believers and followers of our great esteemed leader Jesus need to enter the New Jerusalem the book of Revelation speaks about PURIFIED! “Crossing the Jordan” has been a metaphor for death. Just think about all of the processes here God includes Joshua in on and then run the scenario of life and death and see if there are any connections!
You have to know that the miracle of crossing the Jordan on dry ground solidified Joshua as God’s leader for Israel! And you will be solidified as God’s chosen people as you walk this earth on spiritually dry ground because it is higher ground than the word's because God prepared it for you!
Your faith and actions reveal who God is to this world and in this world! God is ALIVE! And God is alive in you! God wants to act within and through YOU! Reach out to others who are stuck in the mud of this world and pull them into the faith of higher and dryer ground so they can get the footing Christ brings through faith!