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Showing posts from 2021

Saying No to "Christian" Sanhedrins

I was reflecting today (5/1/2018) about the SPACE between being a Christian institution (say a local church or a Christian University in the USA) and being responsible citizens--and what happens when the two are in conflict. Do we go the legal route or do we handle things internally--as a separate and distinct body governed by Christian rules of conduct.  What happens in this SPACE? Is there room to talk about what truly governs us (the Bible, the Holy Spirit, the denominational writings like The Discipline, etc) and what the world's legal system asks of us. The problem to me is when the places like your local church or a Christian University take the position of a City Court governed by laws instead of governed by love. We know Jesus didn't obey all of Man's laws. We do know he was subject to his parents (post 3-day tweener campout in Jerusalem), and paid taxes (that render to Caesar comment--totally cool!), and spoke through Paul to the Romans to obey the governing a...

The Wheel of Faith or Fortune? Character

I was once going through the book of Romans with a group of junior high boys (a task worth at least one extra jewel in anyone's heavenly crown) and learning alongside them about what faith is. As you probably know, the word "faith" in the NT can mean faith, belief, and trust, depending on the context. Paul tells us why he is not ashamed of the gospel, "for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes "--that is, has faith. " Faith comes by hearing the Word on Jesus Christ" and leads to calling on the Lord--how can they call on him if they have not first believed, and how can they believe if they have not first heard . Faith undoubtedly leads to salvation in Jesus. But what of faith after salvation ? Does faith continue to work in the same way? Or is there a growing aspect for someone in his or her faith? Or does faith stay the same, but one's capacity to hold it and wield it become greater? Wow, so much like spinning a wheel t...

An Under the Surface Warning

Under the skin. That is the phrase that has been used and misunderstood for years. Since the days the Beatles used it in a popular song that I sang as a second-grader, "remember, to let her under your skin..."  What is under the skin cannot be seen, but is real and could manifest at any time. This is a source of many books and movies seeking to highlight the mysteries we all have run into. And now, the manifestation is happening within the community we call the Church. An article's title recently caught my eye about how the evangelical church is breaking apart and that Christians needed to reclaim Jesus from his church . "Hmm. Who would write such a thing?" I thought. So, leery-eyed I took the bait and read... nothing I didn't know, and felt for the past 24 months or so. But the following quote caused me to pause and reflect more than the rest of the article: "But there’s more to the fractures than just COVID-19. After all, many of the forces that are s...

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