Under the skin. That is the phrase that has been used and misunderstood for years. Since the days the Beatles used it in a popular song that I sang as a second-grader, "remember, to let her under your skin..."
What is under the skin cannot be seen, but is real and could manifest at any time. This is a source of many books and movies seeking to highlight the mysteries we all have run into. And now, the manifestation is happening within the community we call the Church.
An article's title recently caught my eye about how the evangelical church is breaking apart and that Christians needed to reclaim Jesus from his church. "Hmm. Who would write such a thing?" I thought. So, leery-eyed I took the bait and read... nothing I didn't know, and felt for the past 24 months or so. But the following quote caused me to pause and reflect more than the rest of the article:
"But there’s more to the fractures than just COVID-19. After all, many of the forces that are splitting churches were in motion well before the pandemic hit. The pandemic exposed and exacerbated weaknesses and vulnerabilities, habits of mind and heart, that already existed."
Paul warned about things under the surface and how things will be shaken so that what is inside can come to the top; or sifted away to reveal what is.
On the other hand, perhaps I had a natural aversion to groups of people who were too unhealthy to be around... and I hope I naturally gravitated toward those healthier sub-groups. I do not remember politics being a topic of conversation (refreshing, huh!), nor race or really any of the "hot topics" of the day. Not because they were irrelevant; some were quite relevant, but they always took a back seat to the Main Driver of the show--Jesus. Leadership in those spaces always believed He was without rival. And for that, I am thankful. But there have been moments (moments, mind you) I have experienced like one T-shirt stated years ago, "Jesus, save me from your people."