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Where Are Your (Spiritual) Manners?

2 Timothy 3:16-17.  All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

This is the last letter Paul wrote to Timothy. Paul wants Timothy to know how important God’s Word is to His people. Scripture is historically a chronicle of God's activity in His people's lives--recording the commands, promises, blessings, and curses. God's Word can be trusted; even in those places where we are unsure, God will testify to us by His Spirit. 

Jesus was God’s Word embodied so all of Jesus’ teachings should be considered as “Scripture.” (cf. 1 Cor. 2:12–13; cf. Heb. 3:7; Acts 1:16; 2 Pet. 1:21).

There are building blocks in all areas of life—things that have to be done in order. You have to accomplish first grade before you advance to second and so on. What other areas besides education must be built upon in levels?

God’s plan for growing spiritually is like His plan for growing naturally. When you follow God’s plan you grow healthy and fruitful. Paul begins with the Word of God and says for your health (mind, body, spirit) you need a four-fold work:  teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. This is the order: Grounded in the Word first, thoroughly equipped next, then good works for Christ and the kingdom follow.

God’s word is “profitable” meaning it brings about a benefit. This is good to know!

TEACHING: Scripture instructs us by means of its content, which is Truth and Truth leads to right thinking (cf. Romans 15:4). Right thinking is a benefit; teaching the truth and being taught the truth is profitable.

REBUKING: When there is error, it needs to be pointed out; the facts are gone back over and re-proved; when wrongs are taught on or preached about it brings sweet conviction! The Word of God brings to the heart of its listeners the truth to bear upon its patterns of thinking that are out of line; right behavior based on God's truth will bring Shalom and benefits us in many ways.

CORRECTING: This is setting the rebuked person on the  right path or putting thoughts in correct order for processing. When  path is marked out, the believer can move forward keeping faith and staying on track toward his or her goal. Correcting means “returning something to an upright position or right status.” Confession and forgiveness are needed as well as moving toward complete restoration; a blending of right thinking with right behavior in second chances benefits us all when we do it God’s way!

TRAINING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS: Learning spiritually good manners takes practice as we learn the right conduct toward others that is necessary. This expression is used for the training of children’s behavior in how to be "right” with others. God’s Word provides what is right and benefits the conscience, the will, the heart of faith (your trust muscle), and your deepest affections as they are all brought into line with the Truth and Person of Jesus Christ. 

Studying God’s Word is like cultivating the soil around the vegetables in your garden: It keeps your spirit and heart feasting on the truth-fertilizer of God. When you open yourself to God’s Word you are honoring God—and God will honor you in your doing so. The Word washes you as you read it (Eph 5:26), and works within your physical brain bringing health to it that in turns brings health to the rest of your body (Prov 16:24; 3:7-8).

For the Christian, both creed and conduct are grounded in the Word. Scripture directs both our beliefs and our behavior, our theology and our ethics. Scripture gives us not only God’s Yes but also His No. Both are given for our benefit. The end result of Scripture is that you may be thoroughly equipped for every good work--a benefit both to you and to others around you. This is the sowing of true Life!

You would probably say you read the Bible enough. Some might say they don’t (read it enough). What are some steps you can take to (1) take the necessary time to read each day, (2) make your Bible reading time more meaningful?

How much time are giving the reading and study of God’s Word? Can you be accountable to this group to do better?

How are your spiritual manners? Have you been increasing in grace with others?
When you flub up, do you immediately ask for forgiveness? How is your behavior doing with things marked out against it as in the list found in Galatians 5:19-21 (sexual misconduct, impure thoughts, lack of self-control in any area of life; idolatry where things mean more than people, or we treat people as if we can control them as we do things = witchcraft; behaving in ways that cause hatred, discord, or jealousy; provoking others to fits of rage or falling into them ourselves; concerned only with ourselves and what we can get = selfish ambition; always being right or dividing groups which is dissensions; creating factions between people and viewing others with eyes that envy; given to addictions like drunkenness, lack of self-control in spending or any of our appetites; these things or anything like them describes the lifestyle of those who will not inherit the kingdom of God! 

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